Wednesday, March 19, 2008

This morning........

This morning Ann got up early. She felt great!! Of course she did, she went to bed before 8:00pm! It was a total of 10 and 1/2 hrs of sheer pleasure, happiness, and deep sleep!

As we were getting Nana ready for school. Ann kind of tricked Nana into choosing the dress Ann wanted her to put on. Amazingly, Nana went for it! For a total of 5 seconds...... Nana soon changed her mind and wanted to put on something else RIGHT AFTER Ann had already put the dress on her. The policy of the house is: you don't get what you want, especially if you cry/ scream for it. And that's exactly what Nana did.

When it comes down to discipline, Ann is usually pretty weak. On the other hand, David means business. So David gave Nana a choice: either keep the dress she had on and make peace with it, or go to school naked!!! Nana of course didn't give it up that easily. She kept crying and demanding to be put on a different dress.

Next thing you know, David was dragging Nana (only had her pantie on at this point) out of the house!!! Of course David wasn't serious! He didn't even have his shoes on. But it sure looked realistic to Nana. She was kicking, screaming, crying, pleading, and freaking out at the same time. After that, David put Nana in her time-out chair 'cause she was still crying.

Within 20 seconds, Nana had pulled herself together.....still wimping of course. And this is the time for the GOOD COP-- Ann to do the final closing. Ann went to the kitchen, which was where Nana's time-out chair was located, and saw the naked Nana standing by the door, ready to make amend. Ann gave Nana a hug and took Nana back to the bedroom to put the dress on her.

As Ann was putting the dress, which we originally agreed upon, on Nana. Nana very quietly wimped: "I want to change my dress.....". At this point, all Ann had to do was to stare at Nana with a straight face. And to make it even more dramatic, Ann did the sound "Hummm??!!", meaning: "Do you want to go though that again??!" And OF COURSE it was a big success! Nana did not have any more objections after the big drama of the day. It sure was affective!!!

Ann keeps thinking that we can't possibly pull it off for much longer. You know, the whole "Do it yourself, or I am going to HELP you do it!", meaning: "If you don't do it, then I am going to MAKE you do it by using necessary force!" 'cause after all, the kids grow up too fast, and by the rate they are going now, both Nana and Zozo are going to be bigger and taller then Ann and David by the time they are 10!!!

1 comment:

Darron said...

Dave and Ann: It is great to know you have a blog so we can at least know a little about what you guys are up to. I have a blog too at but it's mostly for the RM's who served in Iceland. I do it as part of my part-time job doing Icelandic stuff. I was just there, by the way.